Expansive Breathing – to give you that oxygen you need to exercise.
One of the main advantages of running & walking is to oxygenise our body. If we can provide more oxygen to the cells then this gives them more energy. The Alexander Technique can teach you a natural way to breath which can be far more effective for maximising absorption of oxygen – one of the key areas we lack in our modern lives.
The course starts with learning how to breath in stillness and then with movement. As people become aware of how they are actually breathing they often say they have been breathing the wrong way round! Once they get use to breathing this new way they find it much more natural even though it takes a while to establish this new habit. Mindful running & walking is a great way to practice this new way of breathing.
The Alexander Technique can teach you a natural way to breath that is far more effective for maximising absorption of oxygen.
Fish need oxygen in the water to breath - we need oxygen in the air but we also need to breath naturally too, something we often interfere with in our busy lives which limits the amount of oxygen we can absorb.