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Shoulders and Hips

Centre of Gravity

​If we move over our centre of gravity it takes a lot of weight off us, this is because it falls through us rather than you having to lift everything. You can experience this in objects that you lift. If you hold something heavy in front of you with straight arms it feels heavier than if you hold it near your body. Apply this to our body – shoulders over hips mean its less effort. Check your shadow when walking or running as you may not be aware that you are doing this.


The trick is knowing when you are not over your centre of gravity so you can realign yourself before you get the joint pain. This is where learning the Alexander Technique can help you.


Once you start to run (and walk) over your centre of gravity it all seems a lot easier and you wonder why you put so much effort in!


Once you start to run over your centre of gravity it all seems a lot easier.


This runner, in the picture, has his shoulders slightly forward from his hips so is putting more effort in than he needs to.

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