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Clean Eating - the Dirty Truth

Can't see the wood for the trees

The horizon program on BBC Clean Eating - the Dirty Truth 21/01/17 ( had said some really useful information but left us feeling confused about food yet again! Let us look at this program in a little more detail….

Eating free from gluten and dairy and sugar

When you are unhealthy, unfit and have had years of lack of exercise to start the process of getting fit again you do not go out and run for 10 miles on day one. You do it gradually and your body gradually adjusts building up your muscle tone. The same thing needs to be done with a change in food. Avoiding gluten overnight can be too servere for some people causing a negative response. However we do not need to throw it all out of the window. Just like we do not throw out the idea that exercise is good for you if we overdo it in extreme. We come back to it more gradually. The same thing applies to going grain and pulse free. Your body needs to adjust to the new food being ingested. Not only is it a question of muscle tone in your digestive tract but also the whole micro-flora in your gut needs to adjust. This can take years, just like it takes 5 years for an organic soil to be certified organic. The most vulnerable and ill people in our society are those who desperately want to get better and will go to extremes to get there – this may not be the best route which was possible the case of Robert Young’s client (from the TV program). Ella Mills struck a better balance. However I think Ella Mills may have also indirectly been balancing her pH levels without knowing it.

With sugar this is even more addictive and needs to be a gradual process. However some people can cope better with the cold turkey effects!

Coming off all grains and pulses is addressing the micro-flora imbalance which may be a good process to go through to get it back in balance however it may be possible to return to these grains a